Pump up child’s proprioceptive system

These are some of the things you can do with your child to bring his/her proprioceptive system closer to the regulated state:

  • utilize your home:
    • lay mats of different thickness and softness onto the floor (information coming from the joints)
    • put some mats or safety sponges onto the walls (for children who like to run and bounce themselves off of the walls)
    • have Pilates kind of balls in the space (child can roll on the ball on their stomachs or you can lightly massage them with the ball on their backs or squeeze them in between two balls, or have them jump on the Pilates ball while catching some other small objects)
    • big cushions (take a duvet cover and fill it up with pillows, Styrofoam or small soft balls and have your child jump on it, cross over it, crawl on it, lay down on it etc.)
    • fill up the crib with small plastic balls to make a ball pit.
  • have fun out in the streets:
    • pass each other a ball, small stone, pine cone
    • pick up pine cones or stones into buckets of different sizes (thus different weight)
    • try walking and running with small weights around the ankles
    • walk around in a vest with some weight in it
    • walk in deep snow, through puddles of water, sand, in high grass, in mud, different surfaces
    • walk up or down the steep streets
  • other creative activities:
    • make a dough out of water and flour. Some can be smooth and soft, some you can make rough by adding seeds and some you can make a little dry. Ask your child or show them how to pull a little bit of dough with their fingers, make a small ball and paste the ball onto a piece of paper. For older children, you can make a line or a shape on that piece of paper and they should paste the dough balls onto the lines. This is also great for tactile regulation
    • jump on the trampoline in a rhythm



Sensory or Behavior?

This is one of the popular and everlasting discussions among the professionals in sensory integration / child development field. When a child is having e.g. a tantrum, how do you know if it’s sensory or behavior? This is a very important question because it defines our reactions towards the child in that moment. And our reactions are there to help the child either by calming him down or by teaching him some boundary.

There is a consensus about a couple of things:

  • every child needs good* boundaries
  • every child needs good* structure

*not necessarily strict or harsh
While reading other people’s opinions on sensory or behavior question, one interesting answer pops up: it is sensory and behavior, and not sensory or behavior. It is very hard to define a behavior and not take the sensory factor into the consideration. If your child doesn’t want to eat something and is crying and jumping in their feeding chair, take a look at the food you gave them: is it too hot or too cold or perhaps too chewy? Children who have low muscle tone in the oral area will most likely find difficult to chew and will thus most likely refuse to eat e.g. some meats or bread crust. Those same kids, on the other hand, will want to get the stimuli the easy way and you might see them asking you for crunchy foods that are easy to chew through e.g. chips, salty sticks, rice cereals etc. Food temperature is also very important to sensory kids. Just try to make them get used to it step by step. Forcing  them to eat something, whether of the “wrong” temperature or texture is only going to make them refuse it, even if they would initially want to taste it.

So, how come a lot of the times we get the report from the preschool teacher that the child ate everything and is eating nicely in the preschool and makes such a drama at home? Well, the answer may as well be – the structure. Don’t confuse this with boundaries. Parents may be very clear on the boundaries, but the structure is what is missing at home. Usually preschools organize time and setup for meals where all children eat together at a table at the same time. So, this structure and predictability helps a lot of the sensory kids in their organization and regulation. If they do not have to think about what’s coming next and how they will manage themselves in the new situation, but they know that at this time, kids will start getting together at the table and food will be served, those sensory kids can be at peace and they can participate in an adequate way. To go back to the structure vs boundaries – sometimes what happens is that parents put stricter boundaries or let’s say, stricter parenting to compensate for lack of structure. Perhaps this is a good question to analyze in one of the future posts.

Another question to be asked here is how to know whether your child’s current behavior is purely sensory or behavioral, though I said that usually it’s both? Well, The Anonymous OT gives a good point in his “Is it Sensory, Behavior or Both?” blog post.

This is where I tell my parents to be incredibly attentive to the subtle signs from their child. With any behavior analysis, there is an “antecedent,” or something that happens before the behavior. This is where the parent has to look for the clues. What was the root cause of the outburst?

I agree with this statement and have been recommending the parents I work with to do so – to try and figure out what happened right before some good or bad behavior. Important thing to know and remember is that kids are not bad, they do not want to act badly. Children actually want to please their parents. If a child is behaving “badly”, it is up to us to figure out why and help them.

P.S. I like this document!


Proprioception is our ability to know where our muscles and joints are in space and how they are moving. This is very important for the development of body awareness. Our proprioceptive sense cannot work in isolation, but requires constant input from our tactile and vestibular systems. Unorganized processing of proprioceptive input may be seen as someone who is clumsy, falls or stumbles frequently, is overly aggressive (e.g., tackles people), walks on toes, constantly chewing on food or objects, has difficulty motor planning, or is messy at mealtime. Someone who is unconsciously worried about where their body is on the chair or how they will walk around the table without bumping into it, will not be able to focus their attention on what is being said or what they are carrying.”  (Dana Nicholls, OTR/L, Peggy Syvertson CCC-SLP).
Does your child:

  • walk on their toes?
  • like to jump all the time?
  • laugh a lot when you press them with pillows or balls?
  • love deep massages?
  • love to walk on pebbles?

All of these questions are examples of activities where your child’s body gets a lot of proprioceptive input. Especially for children who are hyposensitive to this kind of input, these activities bring a lot of joy.

Disclaimer / Izjava

This blog is intended as another source of ideas for sensory play and a common place for parents to talk and discuss different topics. Though I do have professional education and work experience in this field, I do not take responsibility in reactions your children have to ideas proposed in this blog. Children are very different and what suits one child might not be beneficial to the other so please use your judgment while realizing these ideas with your children.

Thank you!


Cilj ovog bloga je da pruži roditeljima ideje za senzornu igru i zajedničko mjesto za daljnju diskusiju. Iako sam obrazovana u ovom području i imam radno iskustvo, ne snosim odgovornost za reakcije vaše djece na ideje predložene u ovom blogu. Djeca su vrlo različita i ono što je dobro za jedno dijete možda neće biti primjereno za neko drugo dijete. Stoga Vas molim da koristite svoju prosudbu pri realizaciji ovih ideja.


Aktivnosti u shopping centru

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Najprije, kako izgleda promjena aktivnosti ili mjesta kod Vašeg djeteta, pogotovo u veliki, blješteći, glasni i napućeni trgovački centar? Potrči li Vaše dijete unutra ili se počne ritati i bacakati još u autu čim ste skrenuli na parkiralište od tog centra? Neka Vam Vaš odgovor bude polazište za ovo iskustvo.

Ako Vaše dijete ne voli ići po trgovačkim centrima, ne morate to izbjegavati. Učinite to postepeno prateći djetetove reakcije. Ako se Vaše dijete počne derati već na parkiralištu, neka vam onda to bude i cilj – sigurno parkiranje auta, ali ne i izlazak iz njega. Idući put probajte izaći iz auta, ali ne i otići u centar, možda svega do ulaznih vrata. Ono što je tu bitno je da uvijek kažete djetetu mirnim glasom (šapčući ako je dijete preosjetljivo na zvuk) koji je Vaš plan. Želite da Vaše dijete i dalje ima kontrolu nad situacijom koja mu se očito ne sviđa. Kada dijete uvidi da kontrolira situacijom, stvari će teći glađe. Ako im se čini da se situacija odvija prebrzo, da gube tu kontrolu postat će nervozni i možda će nastupiti tantrum i bacanje po podu. Dakle, samo glasno komentirajte svoj plan bez obzira koliko je Vaše dijete staro i bez obzira na to što možda mislite da Vas ono ne razumije; “sada ćemo se sparkirati ovdje lijevo i onda će mama ugasiti auto. Vidi, gasim! 1…2…3.. auto je ugašen”. Možete koristiti jednostavnije ili kraće rečenice ako je Vaše dijete manje ili ako je veće ili verbalno, možete unijeti još detalja i dapače uključiti ih u brojanje ili dati im izbor gdje da parkirate auto. Uključivanje djeteta u ovakve aktivnosti daje im pouzdanje i kontrolu koja im je vrlo potrebna.

Kada dođete unutar trgovačkog centra, uzmite vremena da svom nervoznom djetetu obratite pozornost na to što je oko njega, ono će se tako opet osjećati bolje i imat će kontrolu. Ako je Vaše dijete malo, možete ga podići i komentirati što sve vidite; svijetla, kafiće, ukrase, čujete glazbu u pozadini, vidite dućane, kolica, ljude itd. Dajte mu minutu, dvije da spozna te stvari oko sebe. Kada vidite da je u redu, nastavite sa svojim planom. Vjerojatno idući put nećete morati prolaziti kroz ovu situaciju, ali ako ćete morati i to je u redu. Samo dajte djetetu vremena. Ako niste u mogućnosti izdvojiti to vrijeme ili krenuti u centar ranije, a budimo realni, često smo u velikoj gužvi, radije ostavite dijete s nekim drugim nego da ga bespotrebno “vučete” na mjesto gdje se ono ne osjeća ugodno.

Danas većinom svi trgovački centri imaju dječje igraonice gdje se djeca mogu igrati dok odrasli obavljaju svoje kupovine. Neke imaju pravila o ostavljanju djeteta samim u igraonici, neke se plaćaju, neke su besplatne, ali su svakako odličan izvor senzornih podražaja. Veće igraonice imaju i sprave za penjanje, bazene s lopticama, tobogane i tunele. Iskoristite to! Provjerite najprije je li Vaše dijete preosjetljivo na zvukove. Ako je, izaberite trenutak kada je u igraonici manje glasne djece. Jednako vrijedi i za djecu koja su prekomjerno vizualno osjetljiva na micajuće podražaje. Ako mnogo djece trči oko Vašeg djeteta, ono se može “zalediti” i ne uživati na ovako zabavnom mjestu. Ja bih najprije izabrala sprave i aktivnosti koje dijete poznaje dok ne spozna prostor, ljude oko sebe i svoje mogućnosti u tom prostoru. Kada Vam se čini da je dijete u redu, možete predložiti nove aktivnosti s kojima inaće ne bi bilo oduševljeno. Polako i postepeno. Najbolje je dati djetetu da odluči i napravi aktivnost prvo koristeći svoju kreativnost i motoričko planiranje, ali ako Vaše dijete treba dodatni poticaj, možete i Vi to učiniti prvi.

Girl in a tunnel. Permission acquired from the parents.
Girl in a tunnel. Permission acquired from the parents.

Ako nemate vremena za igraonicu ili ju Vaš trgovački centar ne nudi, pokušajte uključiti svoje dijete u poslove koje morate obaviti. Djeca koja trebaju dodatni ravnotežni podražaj će se voliti voziti u shopping kolicima u dućanu i na taj način može stavljati namirnice i proizvode u kolica. Dajte djetetu da izabere između dva ili tri proizvoda koja se tiću njega: koji sok ili koje pahuljice kupiti. Ali, ograničite izbor na dva ili tri artikla pogotovo za manju djecu ili ona koja još nisu verbalna.

Ako Vaše dijete voli brzo izmijenjivati aktivnosti, pokušajte brže završiti Vašu kupovinu da ne podražujete dijete prekomjerno. Ne morate odmah napustiti dućan, možete malo pokušati produljiti vrijeme izlaganju, ali nemojte pretjerivati. Vidjet ćete znakove na djetetu kada mu je dosta; odbija suradnju, izgleda kao da mu je dosadno ili da je umorno, vuče se po podu, moli vas da odete doma pa sve do bacanja po podu dućana. Neka djeca pređu ovaj spektar znakova vrlo brzo, dok neka odmah pređu na plakanje. Sigurna sam da poznavajući vlastito dijete znate što je najbolje za napraviti u toj situaciji, otići ili ostati u dućnu – ali ispravnu stvar nije uvijek lako i moguće napraviti, znam!